
Innovation in Communication for Equity
A consultoria AFETO surge da parceria entre quatro mulheres brasileiras que lideram empresas conscientes da importância da equidade racial e de gênero e que, a partir de suas experiências, se uniram para impactar o mercado da comunicação institucional, contribuindo para o real sentido do termo "afeto".
Afetar e se permitir ser afetado e afetada é princípio básico para o estabelecimento do equilíbrio e da justiça, para a desconstrução da estrutura de privilégios sociais, por meio da escuta sensível e do diálogo.
Com base nas premissas da Educomunicação, nosso objetivo é empoderar equipes que atuam nas áreas de comunicação, de marketing e de publicidade com foco em inovação e transformação social.
Nossa experiência e insights colaboram para transformar, modernizar, e tornar mais eficaz e coerente o processo de produção de comunicação interna e externa das organizações, influenciando decisões e impactando relações.
Nosso compromisso é com um futuro igualitário, justo e em que a representatividade seja de todas, todos e todes que fazem do Brasil um país majoritariamente autodeclarado feminino e negro.
move the cursor over the mandala.

Who we are

Businesswoman and cultural producer, with a degree in Public Relations from UFMG, she is a partner at Ubuntu Produções together with her sister Isaura Paulino. In addition to the areas of cultural management, career planning, representation and artistic agency, Ubuntu Produções is also a publisher/record label, focusing on black and/or peripheral artists (MC Carol, Abronca, Baby Perigosa and, until 2019, with the collective Heavy Baile and Jéssica Ellen). She also works as a curator, director, activist and speaker.

Graduated in journalism from PUC-Rio, she has worked since 2009 as a communicator, press officer, curator and cultural producer. She has experience in several languages such as audiovisual, theater, dance, visual and integrated arts, in their in-person and virtual formats. Highlights include the works “Antonio Meneses – A Câmera e o Violoncelo” (TV Brasil, 2010), “A Outra Cidade” (by Pedro Brício, CCBB Rio, 2013) and “Funk Brasil – 40 anos de baile” (by Pedro Monteiro, 2014/2015). She is also currently a collaborator at Instituto Terra Verde, which works to guarantee the rights and value the culture of indigenous Brazilian peoples.

Audiovisual producer for marketing and advertising, specialized in Human Rights at PUCRS, has worked for 10 years in coordinating video areas within companies. She led the video areas of VICE and the Sunset agency and is a consultant for the consolidation of processes in commercial video, with her most recent clients being the Tracy Locke agency, Catraca Livre and DM9. She carries out productions and partnerships in audiovisual for the development of projects through her production company Gataria Filmes.

Educommunicator, Researcher, Writer and Anti-Racist and Intersectional Feminist Activist
Co-Founder and Director of AfroeducAÇÃO.
PhD student in Communication Sciences - USP, with research on the impacts of whiteness on education.
Author of several books, including "Color in the voice: ethnic-racial identity, educommunication and life stories"; "Carolinas"; and "Cruz e Sousa".

Adinkra is the name of a set of ideographic symbols of the Akan people, a linguistic group of West Africa.
Symbol of greatness, prudence, firmness and magnanimity, charisma and leadership.
Adinkrahene, master of oneself, in the image of one's neighbor, or simply reflection of oneself.
The concentric circles represent the core that is God, and through His works that expand into the universe.
It symbolizes Holiness and the Sacred.
Adinkra Hene is said to have played an important role in the conception of the other symbols, which is why he is considered the king among the other symbols.